Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poe-Try #3

To close the posts for today, the last of my Poe-Tries that already exists--Poe-Try #3: "What Christmas Means To Me".

What Christmas Means To Me

Looking for the true meaning of Christmas?
We've got books, songs, TV
They'll tell you all about that stuff--
Though none of it for free.
But really, what I think that meaning is
Is just what it means to me.

It means people coming together
In peace and harmony
It means being happy to be alive
Regardless of presents under the tree.

It means a close connection, to a person, not a place
It means strengthening the bonds between the whole human race
And while it may have roots in one religion
I think anyone can celebrate it--I think it's their decision

I think Christmas, like so many things, can be what you make it
Christian, Judaist, Islam, Atheist--all can undertake it!
The REAL spirit of Christmas doesn't discriminate,
After all, why would anything so wonderful stoop to hate?

And that is what to me, is the truth of a holiday
It's a chance for people to come together, no matter to whom they pray
And when this spirit is honored, there is cause to shout "hooray!"
For as it gains in strength, it shall lead to brighter days.

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