Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poe-Try #4

Poe-Try #4: Determination

(Adapted from "Le Festin" of the movie "Ratatouille")

Dreams are to dreamers as the birds are to sky
Sometimes we fail, and others we fly
My heart yearns to soar, with all of my soul
To break myself free of my preordained role
A dream only wakes with a goal

My hope is in me just as it's with friends
Without hope, before it can start, a dream ends
So powerful a force, yet found in so few
If I keep it with me, the impossible I'll do
And bring hope to others too

Get free at last the road will be long
I won't sing to the tune of what now is the song
If I fail, no loss, but so little gained
I'll never back down--even with my fate ordained

And so, the game begins, and I won't lose easy
Bring forth the board, I am ready to play
And so, to those who would stand in my way
I wonder very much...are they?

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Poe-Try #3

To close the posts for today, the last of my Poe-Tries that already exists--Poe-Try #3: "What Christmas Means To Me".

What Christmas Means To Me

Looking for the true meaning of Christmas?
We've got books, songs, TV
They'll tell you all about that stuff--
Though none of it for free.
But really, what I think that meaning is
Is just what it means to me.

It means people coming together
In peace and harmony
It means being happy to be alive
Regardless of presents under the tree.

It means a close connection, to a person, not a place
It means strengthening the bonds between the whole human race
And while it may have roots in one religion
I think anyone can celebrate it--I think it's their decision

I think Christmas, like so many things, can be what you make it
Christian, Judaist, Islam, Atheist--all can undertake it!
The REAL spirit of Christmas doesn't discriminate,
After all, why would anything so wonderful stoop to hate?

And that is what to me, is the truth of a holiday
It's a chance for people to come together, no matter to whom they pray
And when this spirit is honored, there is cause to shout "hooray!"
For as it gains in strength, it shall lead to brighter days.

Poe-Try #2

This particular Poe-Try comes from a special place in my heart--one of the things that makes up the essence of who and what I am.

Poe-Try #2: "Why I Care"

Why I Care

Because it's a dirty job, and someone has to do it
Because, to be honest, there's really nothing to it
Because I want to leave this world better than I found it
Because it's so defenseless against the space matter around it!

That's why I care about what happens in this place
Whether its as close as home, or far as outer space
That's why I care about about the people far and near--
And I say those that don't are the REAL problem here!

Because people all the time keep saying I ought not to
Because I truly feel that it is the right thing to do
Because it is the life support feeding the human spirit
Because if I care with my voice, maybe someone will hear it!

That's why I care about what happens on this rock
They should all be ashamed for telling me to put a sock
In my hopes, my dreams, my prayers for all of the human species
Such ideas that I shouldn't bother are worth less than feces!

Because if no one cares I fully think our race will cease to be
Because there's more to living than the concerns of you and me
Because if I have a closed mind there's so much I won't see
Because without the power to care no one is truly happy

That's why I care about all people in this world
From the most pompous, vilest mogul to the most innocent girl
And each and every time I care my mind's sails unfurl
Someday, hopefully even soon--I'll make a better world!

Introduction and Poe-Try #1

Greetings!  I'll be posting here sporadically, for a very specific purpose--to share my attempts at poetry or "Poe-Tries" where, as the name suggests, I Try to write Poetry.  I have three Poe-Tries ready so far, and new ones will be posted as they are composed.  NOTE:  This blog will NOT be used for any ancillary purpose, such as voicing opinions, informing on current life events, etc, etc.  Poetry postings only.

Without further ado, I present Poe-Try #1: "but for him it was thursday".

but for him, it was thursday

I walked into Publix, one Thursday evening
My mind wandering
My eyes not seeing.

For most of what they could see
at that moment, was only things.
I have no gift for describing things.
To me, when I describe a thing I believe
It should be done as though I am
Interrupting my boss' phone call.

I keep it short, sweet, to the point--
And it had better be important.
Going about my task, I obtain
The pasta first.  I'm briefly pleased
That I managed not to forget the correct aisle as I am
Wont to do.

I move to the Bakery section, with intent to treat myself.
I spy packages of blueberry muffins--
The temptation of chocolate chip holds no sway
Over me this day.
I think about purchasing one, but then I spot
Delicious Yo-yos, four of them.

So many of them, needing a home.  I resolve
To give a home to one of them.  I move on
To my real purpose there, to buy a fried chicken sub
For my dinner. 
Ahead of me is one person, ordering
Largely the same thing.

Now people I CAN describe.  With things,
The beauty is largely external
Laid bare for all to see.
With people, the beauty is internal
Hidden from view.
I suspect I could write an entire epic ballad on a single face.

We converse.  He is actually an employee, as I knew from his clothes
He is on break.  He loves the fried chicken sub very much
But slathered in sauces, and very few toppings.
I enjoy the opposite.  I bring this up, we move on.
He says his name is Steven.  A good name.  An employable name.
A name that surely made working there all the easier.

It is my turn.  I step up to the counter
And my thoughts turn to Kyle
As they often do at the deli counter.  I study
This other worker.  His name is Chase.
It fits--he goes about his task with the look
Of a man chasing something, a man only here for now.
My respect for him blossoms.

I say to him "Always remember, this job can always take your time
But it can only take your soul if you let it.  Don't let it."
My time with him done, I leave for the checkouts.
I notice that for once, the express lane
Will indeed be express.  I am again pleased.
I wait my turn, noting the final employee before me.

I liked his name at the time, but forget it now.
Even retrospectively, this is a bad sign.  I set
My items on the conveyor, and wait.  My turn
Comes, and I see his face clearly.  I attempt
To converse, like with the other two but my
Attempts are in vain.  This one sinks my heart.

For, from his look, his soul has indeed been taken.
Perhaps it is only on loan, for his shift,
Perhaps it is indeed permanently sold.  I take
My bags, and leave, saddened.  For me this day
Was not A day, but one in a long line of THE days.
Full of boundless possibility.
But for him, it was Thursday.